Wished I had read this letter to myself all those years ago before I met my now ex abuser....
Dear polskie ,
I am you in the future and at this particular period of time in your life you are a happy go lucky reasonably content young lady without many cares in the big wide
world.Your having great fun being nineteen,going out with friends ,visiting various nightclubs and enjoying meeting new people.You will have a great future to look forward to and yes I agree giving up smoking will be a fantastic idea and maybe reconsider the not so bright plan to dye your hair blue ( it will cost a fortune to correct if you do ).
The friends you make now will be your long term ones and they will always be there in the background when you really need them so look after them all well and they will never let you down .
You wll have a few serious and major decisions to make as you get older,some easy and some not so easy but all should have good final end results, always try to believe in yourself and good things will follow.Never regret any decision you make along the way because they are all a learning curve towards your future , try really hard to believe in each and everyone one you make because if you don't no one else will either .
Good news... your future children will inherit your outlook on life so raise them well and they will be great in everything they try to achieve. Remember to teach them all the good old fashion manners you were once taught by your mother and instal in them that in order to get any respect in life first you should earn it and second you should deserve it.
When you get to around the age of 50 there may be a few little unexpected surprises coming your way(nothing bad and all good ) You will totally shock yourself by gained more than twice the amount of exams that you have just received from school and you will discover you are slightly more intelligent than you actually think that you are ( yes even with dyslexia).
Work wise you will do many variouse jobs along the way and some will be better than others but all of these will give you some great life experiences so enjoy them and always try to work hard at whatever you decide to do.
As the years go by you will have to face a few unpleasant events and you will need to learn from them ,yes you will make your mistakes along the way but you just need to just keep on going forward because it will all be worth it in the end .
Now comes the warning....
Please think twice when your choosing who to date and plan your long term future with care. All may not be what it seems at first.You may meet someone along the way that tells you loads of dramatically sad storys about their past,be really careful here because you may not be told the complete truth about everything .listern to your intuition and if in doubt just don't go there.
If you still end up going in the same direction I once went then don't wait till its almost too late to do anything about it, make that all important life changing decision earlier . Don't ever believe your not worth it or not needed to anyone , you may get told you are many unpleasant nasty things but it's all not true and never try to change who you are just because someone else thinks that you should
Keep being true to yourself and always remain the same optimistic person you have always been , even that little stubborn streak in you will get used to good effect when it's really needed .
Never forget the wise words once given to you by your grandfather that" Good manners can carry you anywhere " and continue trying to make him proud of you even after he says his final last goodbye.
Be patient in your life and wait because one day that right person will come along eventually and they will fit perfectly into your jigsaw of life,this may come as a little bit of an unexpected surprise but it will deffinatly be worth the wait so never stop believing it can eventually happen so keep that special night light burning .
Always believe in your dreams at night because some are giving you a hint of what the future may hold , if your asked to make a promise during one of them then dont hesitate to mean it when you make it because that one single promise could be the key to opening a brand new exciting door in your future .
You may find yourself one day deciding to tell the world about your life story so take care when writing it ,always remain honest and genuine doing it because it will have the possibility of helping many other people along the way.Never be afraid of meeting challenges as you go because those that may read it could have some of their own to fight too and you can prove that you should never say never . Write with meaning , truth and above all else honesty at all times .
Always keep that unique sense of humour you have inherited because there will be times when it will be the only thing that will help keep you sane, a smile costs nothing so try sharing yours around .Try to make your days have as much laughter in it as possible because life is too short not to enjoy it.
Yes you will get the odd sad day but always remember that tomorrow is a brand new day and it can be outstanding.
Enjoy the life you live .
Your future self x
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