Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve .


" Twas the night before Christmas , when all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse "


  We've finally made it .... the presents are all brought and wrapped  ,  the food is prepared and all the excited children have gone to bed  .  

Sounds perfect doesn't it , but hold on a minute what about those that are not do lucky ?........

  For those whose only anticipation the next morning is when things will all kick off yet again or which part of the day will be best forgotten .  There's no happy in Christmas when your living with a domestic abuser , it's just a waiting game instead .

  Things can start off going quite well but it can only take one silly little random thing to change the whole situation.                                   I remember those times all too well and the excuses made to the children in the morning as why there was crashing and banging going on during the night ( mainly empty cardboard boxes flying across the room that had contained presents) . The demands of " where's my breakfast ? " or " why did you buy me this piece of  usless s#£t ? "  were yearly and things never improved very much as the day went on .

    It's one of those times of year that although you may be surrounded by people , you still can't help feeling very much alone .    It 's just yet another day to the abused victim but with added tinsel , there's not much Ho Ho Ho going on .  

  This post is totally dedicated to all domestic abuse suffers past , present and future  . As a survivor I can have total sympathy to how Christmas can be at times the most horrendous time of year. Its a thing that that can never really be understood unless you've been unfortunate enough to have experienced it ,  I have and please , please if you need to talk then just use my blog email that can be found in my profile , I shall be checking on it on a regular basis during the day just in case .                                                        

    This is just a very short post without my normal rambling words due to it being a bit late and sleep being much needed for the chaos in the morning but........

Look after each other , stay safe  and don't forget I'm in the background if required. 

    May your Christmas day be a calm and peaceful one 😊 




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Christmas Eve .

  " Twas the night before Christmas , when all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse "                   ...