Domestic abuse is just in case you've not noticed it yet is a subject I feel extremely seriously strongly about.......
Apart from mentioning the fact that I have
managed to successfully escape from my own 28yr version of it endless times what I hadn't done yet after with just over the past
fifty odd posts is to introduce myself properly to all who may read any of these so maybe it about time I did ( extremely bad manners I know ) .
Just in case you've not worked any of it out for yourselves yet or you've only just begun reading then let's start with a few basics .......
Hello my name is Polskie 👋 ( not my real name but that will always remain private and anyone who knows me really well and reads this will recognise its me anyway ) .
I'm English and have lived here all my life.
I'm a little bit too close to being sixty than I'd like to be .
I will always refuse to get old gracefully .
I do have a job and also help part run another business .
I have 3 all but grown up children .
I fully believe in old fashion good manners and respect ( as taught to me by my mother and in turn taught to my children ) .
I'm lucky enough to have a very special person in my life and have done for several years .
I love my garden and try to grow an endless assortment of things .
One if my top favourite books is To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee .
Top favourite films either The clour Purple , The green Mile or the Warriors .
Favourite music can range from the Sex Pistols to Edward Elgar's Nimrod .
I own one daft dog and two purrfect cats ( who may at some point make their appearance) .
I'm a bit of an old school hippy kind of person at heart with a splash of rebellious punk thrown in for good measure .
I'm an extremly annoying positive thinking eternal optimist .
My favourite place is anywhere outside (and within reason in all weathers ) .
I like and enjoy taking photos as you've probably noticed by now and the last one used on this is one of my lilys that were growing in my garden this summer.
I hate any pictures of myself so sorry none will ever appear on here ( not unless of course I get hundreds and thousands of followers , I get incredibly famous instantly overnight or get extremly drunk all of which are extremly unlikely ) .
I'm as honest , truthful , humble and as genuine as I possibly can be in life .
I love peace and hate any forms of abuse or violence .
And finally and most importantly I'm now my own free person and I love living my life !!!
OK thats all the basic boring stuff done ( most I've already written about anyway ) and you all now know a little bit more about me and with it I hope I've now just proved I'm just a normal everyday kind of person who just simple puts down on here all sorts of weird random stuff that goes through my head .
This whole thing I have to admit has been at least for me personally better than any counsellor or therapist , it's given me the opportunity to put my story out there instead of it being just being stuck somewhere in the dark corners of my mind festering away .
This all started for purely selfish reasons but then I felt I needed to share it because as I've said before if just one person reads it all and thinks " that's just like me " then it's all been very much worth it .
I made the decision a while ago to extend it on various other social media sites facebook , Instagram , Quora and the now X but it should in theory all lead back to here .
Follow me or not ( quite like it if you did ) at least I'm not allowing domestic abuse to remain quite or rule my life anymore , I try always to be completely honest about it if I'm asked about my version of it and its just tough luck if it's not liked by anyone .
My now ex ( whose name I will never reveal on here but close family and friends know it ) was and still is to my knowledge) extremly controlling and emotionally abusive and but has yet never been physically violent , my time used to be spent trying to make the home environment as pleasant as I possibly could for myself and my children but it was an endless unforgiving waste of energy because the goal posts were always being endlessy moved further apart .
He will never ever change but I know I now thankfully have , I'm now having an absolute ball being true to myself and being the person I should have been when I was with him .
Do I regret any of it ? .... Maybe but then I wouldn't have had my children .
I know my story is nothing compared to other domestic abuse stories but it all boils down to the same thing , abuse no matter what type it may be is still uncalled for and extremly wrong !!
Abusers will always abuse but the abused hold the ace card , they can when they are good and ready just take the leap and make that break for freedom , yes its not always easy and I would be lying if I said it was but it's so well worth it in the end .
I now very much value my new found freedom to be myself and encourage anyone else to do it too , all you need to do is just simply turn the page in the book of life and start a brand new exciting chapter .
Scared? Then dont be ... There's are loads and loads of amazing people who can help you , sorry I only know the English ones but other countries must have their own versions . Let's all help those that may need it .
Now its all your turn , if you read this and like it then why not follow , why not just simply say hello and/ or introduce yourself or simply just send a friendly smile 😊 .
( email in profile for those that want privacy)
Make today a great day and enjoy it !!!!