I am so Sorry .......
I've been neglecting all those who take the time to read my posts and I have no real decent enough excuse....
Outside of Blog world and writting posts , I am just a normal ( well relatively normal anyway ) everyday kind of person with a family and 2 jobs , by the time I'm finished for the day I'm ready to just flop down somewhere and enjoy a well earnt cuppa . Having just given myself a severely firm and meaningful telling off I now intend to put right my wrong doings and start giving more attention to you all out there .
As you've properly gathered by now, I'm a survivor of 28 horrendous years of continuous everyday domestic abuse , one dark and extremely cold January day I finally decided enough was enough and made my big decision that I wouldn't be the weak and feeble victim anymore . No, it wasn't an easy decision to make , and yes it was a bit scary at the begining but I held my head up high and simply just kept on going forward .
Christmas is now fast descending on us all and along with the buying of presents, putting decorations up and preparing for Christmas day , there's always a lot of added stress and tension thrown in for good measure . This can be the spark that triggers the fire in a lot of domestic abusers , they can't seem to cope with the fun and good feelings that Christmas is supposed to bring .
I remember all too well the anger and hatred that seemed to ooze out of every single pore of my ex abuser this time of year . I used to dread the shopping to buy whatever was needed , the visits to family to swap gifts and the demands for a full English breakfast on Christmas morning ( which had to be cooked and eaten before the children could open anything ) and nothing was allowed to be touched on the present pile untill everyone was up and dressed .
Christmas time was not a particularly joyful or pleasant time back then . No going out to celebrate on Christmas eve and absolutely deffinatly NO !!!!! exchanges of Christmas kisses at midnight with anyone .
Ebenezer Scrooge would have been extremely impressed by my ex- abusers actions and we unfortunately never once received a visit from the ghost's of past , present and future 😔 .
Nowadays things are greatly improved and I've rediscovered that Christmas can actually be quite good fun . No more endlessly cooking all day , no more panicking about the mountain of wrapping paper rapidly growing on the floor and so what if I want to start having a Christmas drink a good few days before the grand event !!
l've now rediscovered my long lost Christmas spirit and now want to share some around to all those that are in the same position I was once in .
Now I'd like to ask you all a massive Christmas favour .......
Please spare a thought and maybe even some time for those who are silent about their abuse , those that think life is nothing but dark dismal sorrow and those that simply just need an understanding friendly smile in their direction . If you get the feeling that something just doesn't seem right about a friend's or neighbour's house or you hear things that you think are a bit worrying then call someone . Yes...it could be nothing , it could just be nothing but a normal small disagreement or it could be your mistaken but what if it's none of those things and what if you could be the one to stop someone seriously getting hurt 🤔 .
Now I'm certainly not for one single minute suggesting you interfer and dive in there and add to the problem but what I am asking is that you are just observant and call the right people who can help if or when needed.
Those that are domestically abused need that silent anonymous helping hand sometimes .
Male or female domestic abuse is not and never will be acceptable , there's never a good enough excuse for this sort of terrible behaviour regardless to what the victim may be told by the abuser . As I've said many times before domestic abusers are just nothing but bullies and bullies are nothing but big cowards really when someone bigger and stronger comes along .
I'm not scared of my abuser anymore and that's because I now know I'm way more powerful in mind , body and soul than he could ever be .
If I can be a strong survivor so can others !!!!
Let's finish on two positive things.........
⭐️ First ⭐️
I promise to regularly do more posts , more posive thoughts and more support for those that need to know their not alone in domestic abuse.
I may not be the greatest writer or have all the right answers but I've been there , seen it and most importantly I survived it .
⭐️ Second ⭐️
I truly want to wish everyone a safe and Merry Christmas 🎅
I may not be a religious kind of person but I have respect for those that are and even I know that the meaning of Christmas isn't about the money or the presents , it's about family , sharing , the love given and simply being there for each other .
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