Sunday, July 9, 2023

Find that Inner Strengh .


Breaking away from an abuser can be tough , you need to be ready,  willing and very very able to take that first leap  .......

  One day you suddenly wake up and you realise life just isn't meant to be that way when your with a domestic abuser , you have that sudden light bulb moment 💡.
 It can take either just a few weeks or as in my case a few years , it's like someone has recharged your thinking and suddenly you wake up and think  " WTF !!!! " .
 I would be lying if I said it can be easy because in some cases it isn't but it can be done if those that are abused are strong enough . I don't mean physically strong ( although it could be a bonus 🤔 ) I mean way deep down inside yourself strong . It's that same good old inner strength that has helped the victim survive through all the abuse given out to them in the past . 

 Everyone has that inner strength but sometimes you can forget how to use it to your own advantage . 
 When you do use it it can make you all super powerful and ready to face what ever life decides to chuck in your direction .  
 I forgot all about my inner strength and determination whilst  with my now ex abuser, I forgot when I put it ,  how it use it or what to do with it ( in fact I even actually forgot I had it ) ......

                  but not anymore !!

  One day I had that wake up call / recharge moment and as I've said before it was a simple case of either I'd end up leaving in a box or he would have to go , guess which decision I made ? 😊 
 My life had eventually become that bad back then that I had begun to think I didn't have much of a future to look forward to .
This is exactly how extreme being with an abuser can really get like , it totally mess's with a normal logical thinking person's head and all your thoughts and feelings start to stop being your own .
 I can't describe it or put it into words that ultimate feeling of final freedom but if I could bottle it and sell it I'd make a absolute fortune !! 
                  It's phenomenal . 

I now appreciate every single tiny little thing in life because I'll never forget how my life used to be like and I mean really appricate everything , everything  from that perfect yellow lily in the first picture that's growing in my garden to the tiny little brown  spider that lives next door to it ( named Boris )...... yep absolutely everything !!!! .

   If your reading this and you are being abused remember you too can have that inner strength ,  it might be tucked up somewhere way deep down inside yourself but I promise you it's there ready to use when it's your turn to be strong . 
   Getting freedom back from an abuser can be done because I've been there , seen it and  done it and so can anyone else .  
I'm not anything special and certainly not superhuman but what I am now is a free person who is living a life without any form of domestic abuse .

That all important day will happen when the lights suddenly turn back on again for you and when they do you need to use all that hidden all powerful superhuman inner strength to throw that abuser far far away where they belong ,

            you can do it honestly !!

 I'm not saying you need to get physically violent with them but what I do mean is you need to do what they least expect you to do and that is simply to take the control back of your own life . 
  You are way more stronger than you ever believe you can be and you need to use that strengh to show your not afraid of your abuser anymore . You'll be totally surprised on just how fast an abuser can move on in some cases . When it finally dawns on them that they can't get their own way anymore with you anymore  they may throw a massive sulk , pretend to cry , get angry , scream and shout , say " lets try again " or hit out but never once will you get a deep and meaningful apology from them ( they may say sorry but its never really meant ) . 

 The strength it takes to break away from an abuser can be found deep rooted inside yourself , it can grow as time goes by and it can take you anywhere you need to go . We all have it but sometimes we forget to use it .

All this is coming from someone who once spent 28 extremly long tough what seemed like endless years living with an abuser , I've had to learn how to live my life again for myself , I've leant an amazing amount since I found my strengh to end it . I 've now proven to the whole wide world I'm not and have never been the  " fat , usless and ugly "  person I was lead to believe I once was  . No-one will ever ever dare to try to control what I do or say anymore  , I am now my own free person and noone will ever own me !!!!!
  You too can feel and be like this , you just have to simply believe in yourself and it will happen .  
 You are worth every single breath you take and never let anyone else tell you differently !!!!

  That's enough negativity for today I think don't you so let's end on something positive , 
 If your day becomes grey and sad just remember that tomorrow is a whole brand new day !!
( photo below taken by myself )




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With Thanks .

    My story of domestic abuse and its recovery first started roughly three years ago and it was as I've honestly admitted several times...