Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Good air in and bad air out .

Domestically abused or not abused everyone should learn to just stop and breath all the good air in , no-one lives forever so why not enjoy every single day ?

Personally I count myself very lucky , A few years ago I escaped from my domestic abuser after 28yrs  or rather should I say I took back my control and I chucked him out !! , now there's only one person in my life trying to control my crazy world and that's sweet little old me !  
Yes I make mistakes along the way but I learn from them and then simply just try what ever it was I was trying to do again .  

  One of my favourite things is to be outside ( incase you hadn't seen it written before 😅  ) and as I write this I'm sitting in my slightly messy but full of variouse plants garden , drinking as I normally do when I create these posts a nice cup of tea to help my brain produce all the thoughts going on in my head into all the right words to put down here .  
   I'm breathing in all the good air and breathing out all the bad , from my chair I can see all the plants I'm trying to grow they are  either brought , grown from seed or variouse cuttings I've begged from other people and I'm smiling to myself because its all mine and done all by myself  😊 .
 There was once a time I was told on a regular basis that I was " fat , useless and ugly "  well looking at what I can do now I know all that can't be possibly be true .
 It's the abuser that's the ugly one , they are ugly , bitter and very twisted right down to their very core . They don't know how to be happy or love life ,  they just know how to be their own individual variouse shades of grey and that just makes me feel sorry for them because they are missing out on so much .
I refuse to ever find myself living in an abusers world like that ever again and I never want to be anywhere near someone else's dark and gloomy world .

 I've never really worked out how can anyone be so dark and miserable all day and eveyday when there 's so much out there to enjoy ?
 The world is busting full of amazing things to see and this old Hippy just loves taking it all in , there are birds on the bird feeder enjoying the easy way to get food   , there's nice big honey bees buzzing around being busy looking for a new pollen supply , the two cats are laying next to me purring away sunbathing and beautiful butterfly's fluttering all around me ......  simply perfect 

   As the two pictures top and bottom both show I can't be all that useless if I can grow these plants ( top = Bouganvillia,  bottom = trailing geranium ) and the fig tree I'm sat next to isn't complaining about being neglected to much either  . 
As for the fat part well I'm leaving that all down to personal opinion but if it's any help I'm still the same size I have always been even after having three children .

    If your told you can't do something for what ever reason don't ever believe it !!! Granted you have to think realistically about it but there's nothing stopping you adapting your first idea and then trying to do it  differently .
If you want to do something why not just give it a go ?....
Ok fair enough I might not be able to be a professor in rocket science or a spaceman but it doesn't mean I can't appreciate how unbelievable the whole entire universe is and I may not be able to drive an F1 car at a Grand Prix but it doesn't mean I can't live life in the fast lane either .

   Today why not take some of those great big deep breaths in and simple just enjoy being alive . I've always believed that life is far too short to get it wrong and you only get one go at it so I'm ever thankful that when I wake up in the morning I'm still breathing and I get to have yet another great day to look forward to ,
Positive thinking is a great thing to be able to do , it makes even a rainy day seem sunny .
 As it says in my profile I'm a very annoying major optimistic thinker , if I see a negative I always have to try to it turn it around into a positive .  That hippy in me does her very best to spread the good things in life all around for others and is more than happy to always share a smile with someone else who may need it . 
  Yes even after being dragged extremely reluctantly through a very dark tough period in my time with my abuser I still refuse to give up loving life , I'm not even close to finishing what I started in living my life yet so I'll just keep going with it .

  Just look at this amazing trailing geranium below , it once started it's life as a tiny little seed , it got planted and cared for and now just look at it !!! 
It may only last this summer but it certainly crams in everything it's got whilst it's still here  .  It gives its pollen to the bees , it shares its colour for everyone to see  and it just keeps on giving , the best bit is if I'm really lucky and feeling clever then I can get a repeat display from it's offspring next year after I collect all its seeds when it's finished flowering .....happy days and living the dream 😊.

 Today why not be just like the flowers and make the most of what you have in life !!!!



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With Thanks .

    My story of domestic abuse and its recovery first started roughly three years ago and it was as I've honestly admitted several times...