Sunday, December 22, 2024



It's not what you say but how you say it that really matters..........

   Just saying a few simple words can seem completely harmless , but they can have an enormous effect sometimes . When I write these posts I try to put a bit of care into how I put all the words together , maybe not always perfecto at times but my excuse is I'm not a professional writer, I write as I think and I do it all as if I were talking to a friend . 

 " Have a nice day " can sound totally innocent but now try saying it in different ways , it can then become spiteful , sarcastic , or even threatening.  Those that domestically abuse are very good at this game , they will say something in a certain tone of voice and then when challenged about it they  will then say " but I only said  ..."

   Those not so constructive criticisms that come from an abuser are meant I think to have a lasting effect and they will go all out to make themselves out to be the innocent party . You won't get asked do something like "Is that a new top your wearing ? " but instead it will be " Did you really mean to put that on ? ".  

  Those words can creep into a persons head  and then the self-doubt will begin which leads to a " more suitable choice of clothing " , which means your late leaving the house , which then leads to more not so subtle comments about you being usless/never on time and this all happens because of that first little comment .

  Hate as I've mentioned in a previous post may only be a small four letter word but it's meaning can be extremely painful  , love is another one of those simple small words but it can mean a huge amount to the right person .

Both of these words can be spoken and meant differently and both can leave different end results. 

 I don't particularly like the word hate and I can genuinely say I honestly don't hate anyone , I may not like the person very much and I may not like their actions but I choose to rise above it all and not hate them ( yes I don't even hate my ex abuser , there's no feelings at all attached there ) . 


  A really excellent example of how words can be used to good effect is Mr Winston Churchill ,  he may not have been everyone's favourite British Prime Minister, but he certainly knew how to use the right words to raise people's spirits during the second World War . He spoke to the people and the people listened , they needed a strong minded person to lead the country during this tough time and his words and the way they were spoken helped give them the strength to keep going on .

  I should add at this point that I'm not a fan of any wars or conflicts but it doesn't stop me appreciating  Mr Churchill's words .

  We are are now just a couple of days away from Christmas day and that's where words can play an important part . I was brought up to write a small letter of thanks to my relatives who had brought me a gift , obviously it can now all be done by phone or Email but those words of showing your gratitude will still have the same effect . 

    Thank you is easy to say and it should be said more often , if someone holds a door open for me , if I'm handed change in a shop or for any other reason someone does something for me I always say thank you and mean it . 

As my mother would say " You should say what you mean and mean what you say " .

   Words like " can I help you ? " or  "Are you alright ? " can be all that needs to be said to someone sometimes and it can mean a great deal , those words show someone actually cares enough to ask and this can be all a domestic abuse victim needs to hear to help them to begin their journey to survive .

    Today try to mean what you say to others especially this time of year  , that sweet little old lady on the bus who started a random conversation with you may not have anyone to talk to when she gets home so that one brief chat could mean so much , just those few words might be the only ones she's heard all day .

  Words no matter what language they come in can either ruin a day or make a day so wouldn't it be nice if everyone tried to make it the first one .

  Today I'm making it my mission to be extra polite , smile and talk to who ever may need it ( even if they look a bit weird or smell a bit funny  🙃 ) ,  I plan to say " thank you " and mean it in any shop I go into and always leave with a smile....... it costs me nothing so why not .

Smiles can be contagious ☺️ 

My shopping trip may be a bit chaotic because of the time of year but it doesn't mean I can't use my kind words on someone else and that in turn might encourage them to do the same to someone else  ( kind words can be contagious too don't you think ? ) .


Now I truly and honestly wish everyone a very Merry and peaceful Christmas , it doesn't matter if their rich , poor or an Alien , its meant for all .

    Let's make this Christmas special for others by using those words that you mean . Show the people you love and care for that you appreciate them by  using and meaning the words that you use.


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Christmas Eve .

  " Twas the night before Christmas , when all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse "                   ...