Friday, August 23, 2024

Gone but not forgotton.


Never forgotton......

  This is my first post after a very long delay , life has been throwing a few curve balls in my direction recently and in my classic face things head on positive thinking way I've been dealing with it all . Nothing major but enough to slow the inner clockworks down just a bit . Readers of my posts you haven't been forgotton and I shall now try to keep up with myself .

     I could have simply just put a sign up saying " Do not disturb " and shut myself away from  the world untill it all went away but being that life doesn't work like that , I've had to put my big girl pants on and get on with sorting it all out .

  Some of you may of been reading from the start or random posts . It all started due to sorting out my mashed up brain after 28yrs of extremely unpleasant domestic abuse , I needed to find a way of letting all my built up frustration , confusion and unanswerable questions out so I began to write it all down and goodness hasn't it been the best therapy ever !!!!



  I still have many endless questions without answers, but I now believe if I can't fix it or change it then why worry about it .  My domestic abuse wasn't the greatest time of my life but in a weird way its taught me to be grateful for the postive things I now have . I started this whole thing as I've said many times before for completly selfish reasons but decided along the way to keep on going with it in order to show others that there's always a way out if you really want it and people will regardless of what you think will help and listern to you .

  Never ever stop believing in yourself or your dreams because you are and always will be an amazing person , you can do anything if you set your mind to it ( with in reason of course ) .

   Recently I've started to reveal to others all about my secret little life of writting all of this stuff on here ( came as a bit of a supprise to some 🤣 ) but that's just how confident and comfortable it's made me and yes maybe I might actually seriously consider turning it all in to sort of self help book eventually . I fully believe that if I can escape domestic abuse and survive it then so can anyone else . 


    This once quite shy , reserved  and nervous wreck who would hide behind the sofa when the doorbell rang and run away from spiders on the bathroom wall now puts on her full body armour and leads the fight against anyone that dares to want to challenge me . I will never forget my past existence and in a very strange way I'm grateful for it because without it , I wouldn't be the person that I am today . 


  Can anyone beat the vile bullies of this world that think violence is the answer to everything ?....

    Of course they can , although it can't be seen at the time there is always a light burning at the end of every domestic abusive tunnel . 

    No one ever has the right to treat another person the way domestic abusers do and the victim most certainly never asks for it or deserves it . No one should ever think they have the right to control another persons actions or try to distruct someone else's character by belittling them .

 Always remember all bullies are nothing but big cowards really who will fall to their knees when someone bigger and stronger comes along .



  Now let's start thinking on the bright positive side,  your day will always be what ever you make it to be ,  it's your life and your day so make it a good one .  Believe that nice things happen to good people and that you are the best example of yourself , so be proud of everything you do . It doesn't matter how small or insignificant you think your actions might be , still try to give your 110% ( people may not notice the 100 but they will always notice the extra 10 )  . 

   How did I manage to get so annoyingly optimistic and positive after everything I've been through ?...


     That's one of easiest and most simplistic questions I can ever answer , it's because I believe in living  life to it's fullest and I intend to enjoy each and every minute of it . 

 If I'm lucky enough to wake up in the morning  then fantastic and if I'm still breathing then it's a bonus so I'll make the most of it . 

   All the things I used to be told I was usless at I now do with enthusiasm and as for apprently being ugly ,, well no one's laughed at me yet !!!!

 I'm having more fun in life now than I think I've had for an extremely long time and I fully intend to keep on going enjoying it intill they put the lid on my coffin and even then I might cause a bit of trouble 🤣

  My whole point with this post today is that you are the only person who has the right to control your existence , you are the one who can create your future so plan it well and love living it . 

   The "charming person " who once was my domestic abuser is the unhappy one not me , he will spend his life going around in ever decreasing circles trying to control everyone he gets in contact with and eventually they have enough of it and leave him . Abusers are the lowest form of life in my opinion and they will never ever be content with what they have in life , they don't deserve any respect from others . 

    If you are or were in the same position I was once in then can I suggest that you start talking to people who can and will help. Trust me, they actually will listern to you without criticism or judgement .

   Make today your day !!!!!!!
















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Christmas Eve .

  " Twas the night before Christmas , when all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse "                   ...